Project Zutto

Help Wanted » Art Assets

We are software developers, not artists. We are looking for a few artists to work with long-term. Presently, we don't have any artwork, so there are no issues with matching your art style to existing assets.

As the game unfolds, we will want the artwork to lean into a solarpunk aesthetic: civilization and technology entwined harmoniously with the planet, the pets, and other players. A lot of solarpunk art is very bright and clean; we'd prefer a more practical representation, with players & creatures acting as makers, getting down and dirty. Items should show signs of skilled repair, and things can be made of repurposed items that were recycled after several rounds of repair.


It's probably helpful to explain what we want to license & why, so artists can prepare an appropriate price quote.

We want an exclusive, perpetual, non-revocable license to use the assets in the video game, plus the same rights for promotional material meant for our video game.

For creatures (pets & monster monsters), we want perpetual, non-revocable license to create derivative works based on the character design. Or, to put that in plain English: we want to be able to have other artists illustrate the Project Zutto pet/enemy characters. This is meant as a fail-safe in case the original artist is unavailable; our preference would be to have one artist do all variants of a pet so they've all got the same Vibes, but life (and our budget) may get in the way.

Commission Process

We think the best way to structure the relationship is commissioning a few pieces of art every month, on a month-to-month basis. Ideally, we would continue working with you until the game is done, however many months that takes — but this leaves everybody open to abandoning the project at the end of the month if Life Happens™.

If there's another arrangement you'd prefer, we're all ears. This is the first time we're attempting to commission art commercially, and at this scale.

Beyond that, an artist's typical process for payment, approving sketches, revisions, etc should work fine for us.

Assets Needed

The general types of assets we need are listed below. Please contact owls if you're interested in working with us.

Creature Designs for Pets

We're looking for at least nine distinct creatures, with a few recolours/variants for each creature.

These should be raster images with transparent backgrounds. Each variant will need a smaller icon for use in certain parts of the UI. The icons can be a resize/crop.

Item Art

We need large icons for items, like swords, farm tools, and food.

These should be raster images with transparent backgrounds.

Story Scene Illustrations

We need full illustrations featuring characters, backgrounds, and specific situations for major story scenes. These will serve as our cutscenes and advance the story.

These should be raster images. We may need a few sizes/versions of an illustration we can show depending screen size. For example, if somebody is playing on their phone, we may need a portrait version of an expansive landscape illustration that just focuses on the "action", so these players still get the same impact from the scene.

Monster Designs

We need a variety of "monster" designs for enemies in dungeons. These will range from predators to eldritch entities.

These should be raster images, with a variety of recolours. Most of the game design for dungeons is still TBD; we may also need some "poses" (or facial expressions) and a "defeated" image for each recolour.

UI Icons

We need UI icons for thinks like resources, the equipment slots in character sheets, action buttons, abilities, etc.

These should be vector images (SVGs) so we can easily resize/recolour them based on the website theme and what part of the UI we're using them in.